Category: Advice

5 books to help you be more productive at work

5 books to help you be more productive at work

We’ve all heard it before: you’ve got the same number of hours in the day as BeyoncĂ©. (Your choice of idol may vary.) But knowing how to get the most out of that time can be tricky. We’ve all heard we should be working smarter, not harder – but no one ever explains how! Thankfully, …

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6 ways to get more organised at work

6 ways to get more organised at work

If you’ve ever rolled your eyes when someone mentioned ‘feng shui’ or scoffed outloud when you heard Marie Kondo had written a fourth book about tidying up, you should know there’s real science behind it all: human beings just operate better when things are organised. And not only with our physical space either. Stress and …

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